
Friday, 27 May 2011

Flotsam and jetsam

We are like flotsam and jetsam.. Most of the times like lagan and derelicts.. Yes all compared to a ship wreckage.. We swim.. We float.. And we sink..

We all live in a sea of sorrows, happiness, fame, struggles, fear, anger, love, power and the lists goes on..

We are the shipmaster of our own life. We are the ones who make our own navigation, discoveries, decisions specially when a storm comes our way, when our ship is about to sink...

Its our call to save it from sinking or to let our dear selves be drowned and be lost in an abyss of all the nothingness of the world.

Its our call to maneuver, to live and take control, to make more wonderful journeys or have a loosing grip and just give it all up and be defeated in life. And become like a ship wreckage. Lost, abandoned and forgotten.

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